
Solar House

Check it out

A website to check the current regulations in your province in Switzerland.

During the corona crisis people cannot go to their favorite bar and play their Jass on Wedensday evening. On you can video chat with 4 People, have a great time and play a Jass with them.

You need to be four people to play the game. After creating a group you can select your seat to start the game. Then simply click on the card you want to play and after everyone has played the winner can claim the cards by clicking on them in the top right corner. The web app works best in Chrome.

ETH Made easy Scripts

One can download the summeries of my studies on

Stock Data Analyzer

Data mining to get fundamental stock data and then analyzing it with a neural network. The goal is to predicate stock prices in the long term.

Python, Keras, TensorFlow, Pandas

Linear Equation Solver

Automatic detection of up to five equations and then solve those equations with the Gauss Algorithm.

Password Protected Blog

The blog for my exchange year, which has the possibility to upload pictures and post text messages. Every user has to sign up and only has access to the content with his password. Everything was written by me.